Bars are allowed to open and operate at 50% occupancy.
In case you missed it, Governor Ron DeSantis announced today that Broward and Miami-Dade Counties will move to Phase 2 of his “Safe. Smart. Step by Step. Plan for Florida’s Recovery.” The Order, among other things, affects restaurants, which are allowed to open to indoor dining at 50%, bar areas at restaurants may be open for seated service, and full capacity outdoor seating is permitted with appropriate social distancing.
Also announced last night was the re-opening of bars effective Monday, September 14. DBPR Secretary Halsey Beshears released Emergency Order 2020-10, which rescinds the previous Order that closed bars for on-premises consumption of alcohol. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT WAS ANNOUNCED BY BOTH BROWARD AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY LEADERSHIP THAT BARS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO OPEN IN THOSE COUNTIES AT THIS TIME. BARS WILL ALSO REMAIN CLOSED PER LEADERSHIP IN PALM BEACH COUNTY.
FRLA previously shared EOG guidance on Phase 2 and FAQs, which are shared again below, along with the Governor’s original Phase 2 Executive Order 20-139 which provides additional details.
Read The Executive Order here.